Friday, June 11, 2010


Have you met Crystal? She's amazing. I *heart* her. Seriously, I would let her hold my blue toy if I ever met her. And that's saying a lot. I could write a whole blog singing her praises, but I'll hold off for now--maybe another day (plus, I don't sing).

Anyway, last week she had a few posts about some deals at Medco. Medco is an online drug store--nothing particularly special, to be honest. However last week they had several amazing coupon codes for $10 off any purchase of $10 or more. I was able to get my people to do a total of 4 transactions and check out what I got!!!

- 6 tubes of toothpaste (yeah, the cheap kind, but who cares?? It cleans your teeth the same!)
- 2 Diaper Genie refills
- 1 pack of 6 infant spoons
- 1 large bottle Dove body wash
- 1 Covergirl foundation compact

For all that, my people spent....wait for it....$7.55!! And that included shipping! As a point of reference, it came in 4 separate orders and each order cost $0.99 for shipping, so if you subtract shipping it really cost us $3.55! Wowzers! Considering the absolute cheapest I've ever seen Diaper Genie refills is $4.33, this was fantastic. I mean, you know, for people stuff. It'd have been way better if I had gotten 12 new blue toys, 6 boxes of milkbones, and the most ginormous bag of Eukaneuba that you've ever seen. But, let's face it, I'm not exactly the demographic they're shooting for. I probably should be though.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch.....Isn't my baby sister cute?

1 comment:

  1. Jack -
    I'm loving the new blog design. Way to keep it fresh.
