Saturday, May 29, 2010

1095 in 365 May Tally

Wowzers! I lit a fire under my people to de-clutter and they jumped on the bandwagon in a big way. Here's the tally:

- 14 sweaters

- 106 shirts (no, I’m not kidding)

- 2 area rugs

- 3 Christmas items

- 3 home décor

- 15 pants

- 4 stationary item

- 23 undergarments

- 4 knick-knacks

- 8 DVDs

- 3 exercise items

- 12 dresses

- 1 coupon organizer

- 10 sets of PJs

- 34 books

- 1 shorts

- 7 VHS tapes

- 33 kitchen items

- 2 sets of sheets

- 2 beach towels

- 1 VCR

For a total of 288 items! Can you believe it! The embarrassing part is that my people still have plenty of clothes to wear and closets full of knick-knacks. The consumerism going on in this household is verging on obscene and we're working to combat it. We want to live a comfortable life, but not a cluttered/too busy life. The more we clean out, the less time it takes to clean/straighten up the house, and the more time and money we have to do the things we want to be doing. I have a feeling June will still be forward progress, but probably not as intense as this month's. Considering last month we were behind the power curve by 16 items, this month more than made up for it. Hooray for de-cluttering!


  1. Um, yes. Did I mention the obscene excess we have going on here??...
